Diane H. Hart -2017 NFHOF Inductee
Diane, (born: 3/3/1946) is the President and Executive Director of the National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF) and the recipient of the prestigious 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award from the United States President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Diane was selected by the Council’s members based on the span and scope of her career, the estimated number of lives she has touched and the impact of her legacy. NAHF (a 501c3 nonprofit) has as its mission to improve the quality of life for individuals in the United States through promotion of physical fitness, sports and healthy lifestyles.
Diane is the key architect and Chair of the award-winning Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM) which is an annual international and national observance of health and fitness in the workplace and it provides a free workforce health toolkit and is a branded health management program that communicates to a company’s population that employee health matters. In 2014 nearly 30,000 participants were enrolled reaching 37 States and 171 Cities as well as companies in South America. As a degreed fitness professional, Ms. Hart holds multiple national credentials in the field of fitness and health promotion. Her activities include Provider and Health Specialist with BlueShield of Northeastern New York, specializing in Corporate Wellness Programs. She facilitates educational workshops on all chronic disease and health wellness topics for Blue Shield within a 12 county region in New York State.
Diane is the founder of Hart to Heart Fitness (a franchise of the Jacki Sorensen Fitness Programs) Chair of BeActive New York State and creator of the “Move for Life state-wide health plan fitness initiative; consultant to the New York State Deprtment of Health, Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention; contributor to the United States National Physical Activity Plan and to the Declaration of the United Nations in connection with non-communicable diseases and physical activity.
She is a respected Board Member of the Foundation for Governor’s Fitness Councils and Medical Fitness Network. Ms. Hart is also the proud recipient of the Silver Eagle National Leadership Award created in memory of C. Carson Conrad, who served five U.S. Presidents as Executive Director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
For more information visit: www.harttoheartfitness.org